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Team > Prof. Dr. Anna Oberländer

AO Prof. Dr. Anna Oberländer

Faculty of Law and Economics
Information Systems and Digital Transformation


Anna Maria Oberländer is Assistant Professor for Information Systems and Digital Transformation at the University of Bayreuth as well as Deputy Academic Director of the Research Center Finance & Information Management. She also works in a leading position in the Branch Business & Information Systems Engineering of Fraunhofer FIT, where she is co-heading a research group and managing the Digital Innovation Lab as one of the co-founders. 

Anna’s research interests center around the understanding and the design of digital transformation and digital innovation from the perspective of established companies. In terms of an organizational perspective, she currently focuses on the analysis of digital transformation processes and transformation patterns, the relationship between the digital transformation of individual organizations and digital ecosystems, and organizational ambidextry. From an innovation perspective, she prioritizes research on digital opportunities for incumbents from a resource perspective. With regard to the technology perspective, her main focus is on the socio-technical and economic impact of digital technologies such as the (Industrial) Internet of Things or artificial intelligence on established companies.

Anna publishes regularly in internationally renowned journals (e.g., European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Information Systems Frontiers, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Communications of the Association for Information Systems) and conferences (e.g., International Conference on Information Systems, European Conference on Information Systems, Wirtschaftsinformatik).

In 2015, Anna graduated from the Elite Graduate Program Finance & Information Management (Master of Science with honors) at the University of Technology Munich and the University of Augsburg, including a research visit at the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane). She was furthermore accepted for the 16th class of the Bavarian EliteAcademy where she was trained in leadership in Germany, Belgium, China, and Vietnam. Over the course of her studies, Anna gained practical experience among others with Siemens, Siemens Financial Services, and Allianz, in Germany as well as internationally. From 2015 until 2018 Anna joined McKinsey & Company as a strategy consultant where she supported clients from the Advanced Industries and Financial Services Sector in end-to-end digital transformations, process digitization, and innovation management.


2020        Science Award 2020 from Universitätsverein Bayreuth e.V.


Faculty of Law and Economics
Information Systems and Digital Transformation



Anna Maria Oberländer, Philip Karnebogen, Patrick Rövekamp, Maximilian Röglinger, Dorothy Leidner: Understanding the Influence of Digital Ecosystems on Digital Transformation : The OCO (Orientation, Cooperation, Orchestration) Theory. In: Information Systems Journal, (2024). - .

Rojin Abdipour, Carlotta Crome, Claudius Jonas, Anne Michaelis, Anna Maria Oberländer, Jana Steinkopf: Assessing the Sustainability Value of Smart City Solutions. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Paphos, Cyprus : 2024.

Tobias Kranz, Thomas Kreuzer, Anna Maria Oberländer, Alexander Rex, David Ketenidis: Moo-Ving the Dairy Industry : The Building Blocks of Resource-Based Digital Innovation. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Paphos, Cyprus : 2024.

Felicitas Kuch, Alina Lazar, Anna Maria Oberländer, Lukas Thuer: The Purpose's Purpose in Digital Transformation. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Paphos, Cyprus : 2024.

Katharina Breiter, Carlotta Crome, Anna Maria Oberländer, Feline Schnaak: Dynamic Capabilities for the Twin Transformation Climb : A Capability Maturity Model. In: Information Systems Frontiers, (2024). - .

Lea Deppner, Sebastian Duda, Tobias Guggenberger, David Ketenedis, Thomas Kreuzer, Anna Maria Oberländer, Alexander Rex: Erfolgsrezepte : Räume für Innovation gestalten. - Bayreuth, Germany, 2024. - 44 S.

Karolina Egenhorst, Laura Marcus, Linda Moder, Tino Kühnel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger: Moderne Prozessgestaltung am Beispiel der öffentlichen Verwaltung : Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, 16 (2024). - S. 47-54.

Anne-Sophie Christmann, Carlotta Crome, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Anna Maria Oberländer, Leonie Schmidt: The Twin Transformation Butterfly : Capabilities for an Integrated Digital and Sustainability Transformation. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 66 (2024). - S. 489-505.


Claudius Jonas, Kevin Schmitt, Anna Maria Oberländer, Philipp Ebel: Illuminating Smart City Solutions : A Taxonomy and Clusters. In: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). - Hyderabad, India : 2023.

Christian Ritter, Anna Maria Oberländer, Bastian Stahl, Björn Häckel, Carsten Klees, Ralf Koeppe, Maximilian Röglinger: How WashTec Explored Digital Business Models. In: MIS Quarterly Executive, (2023). - .

Michael Bitzer, Carlotta Crome, Tim Meyer-Hollatz, Anna Maria Oberländer, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Nils Urbach: Building a Digital and Sustainable Future : How Companies Can Pioneer Twin Transformation. - Bayreuth, 2023. -

Sebastian Duda, Leopold Fischer-Brandies, Tobias Guggenberger, Björn Häckel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Alexander Rex, Jens-Christian Stoetzer, Antonie Teuchert, Nils Urbach: Lebensmittelindustrie 4.0 : Auswirkungen der Machine Economy auf die Lebensmittelindustrie der Zukunft. - Bayreuth, 2023. -

Marie-Sophie Baier, Stephan Berger, Thomas Kreuzer, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger: What Makes Digital Technology? A Categorization Based on Purpose. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52 (2023). - .

Carlotta Crome, Tim Meyer-Hollatz, Anna Maria Oberländer, Valerie Graf-Drasch, Nils Urbach, Silvana Hinsen: Digital und nachhaltig die Zukunft sichern : Wie Unternehmen die Twin Transformation meistern können. - Stuttgart, 2023. -

Lukas Fabri, Björn Häckel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Marius Rieg, Alexander Stohr: Disentangling Human-AI Hybrids : Conceptualizing the Interworking of Humans and AI-enabled Systems. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 65 (2023). - S. 623-641.

Valerie Graf-Drasch, Leonie Kauffeld, Laura Kempf, Anna Maria Oberländer, Antonie Teuchert: Driving twin transformation : the interplay of digital transformation and sustainability transformation. In: Proceedings of the 31th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Kristiansand, Norway : 2023.

Katharina Kneissel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Mariana Pedraza-Copete, Ricarda Schäfer: Effects of Digital Transformation on Social Sustainability : An Effect Path Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Kristiansand : 2023.

Anna-Katharina Lindenthal, Anna Maria Oberländer, Michael Rosemann, Maximilian Röglinger: Ideation Patterns für ressourcenzentrierte digitale Innovation. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 60 (2023). - S. 550-566.

Philip Karnebogen, Anna Maria Oberländer, Patrick Rövekamp: Unlocking Digital Value at the Intersection of Organizational Digital Transformation and Digital Business Ecosystems. In: M. Kathryn Brohman, Gregory S. Dawson, Kevin C. Desouza (Hrsg.): Digitalization and Sustainability : Advancing Digital Value. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. - S. 77-104.


Rocco Huber, Anna Maria Oberländer, Ulrich Faisst, Maximilian Röglinger: Disentangling Capabilities for Industry 4.0 : An Information Systems Capability Perspective. In: Information Systems Frontiers, (2022). - .

Dennik Baltuttis, Björn Häckel, Claudius Jonas, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Johannes Seyfried: Conceptualizing and Assessing the Value of Internet of Things Solutions. In: Journal of Business Research, 140 (2022). - S. 245-263.

Claudius Jonas, Anna Maria Oberländer, Kevin Schmitt, Simon Wethmar: Demystifying Industrial Internet of Things Start-Ups : A Multi-Layer Taxonomy. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). - Nürnberg, Germany : 2022.

Valerie Graf-Drasch, Anna Krombacher, Anna-Katharina Lindenthal, Anna Maria Oberländer, Ricarda Schäfer: Digitally Social : Review, Synthesis, and Future Directions for Digital Social Innovation. In: Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Timișoara, Romania : 2022.

Thomas Kreuzer, Anna-Katharina Lindenthal, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger: The Effects of Digital Technology on Opportunity Recognition. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64 (2022). - S. 47-64.

Christoph Buck, Thomas Kreuzer, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann: Four Patterns of Digital Innovation in Times of Crisis. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50 (2022). - S. 617-645.

Michael Leyer, Anna Maria Oberländer: The Influence of Mental Models on Employee-Driven Digital Process Innovation during Times of a Crisis. In: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). - Kopenhagen, Denmark : 2022.

Christoph Buck, Felicitas Kuch, Anna-Katharina Lindenthal, Tobias Merktle, Anna Maria Oberländer, Christoph Tippel, Annette Wenninger: Initiierung von Smart Service Innovationen im produzierenden Gewerbe. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 59 (2022). - S. 1395-1410.

Dennis Kundisch, Jan Muntermann, Anna Maria Oberländer, Daniel Rau, Maximilian Röglinger, Thorsten Schoormann, Daniel Szopinski: An Update for Taxonomy Designers : Methodological Guidance from Information Systems Research. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64 (2022). - S. 421-439.


Philip Karnebogen, Anna Maria Oberländer, Patrick Rövekamp: A Means to an End of the Other : Research Avenues at the Intersection of Organizational Digital Transformation and Digital Business Ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the 42th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). - Austin, USA : 2021.

Rocco Huber, Oliver Niesel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Bastian Stahl, Jochen Übelhör: Intelligent Innovation Processes : the Potential of AI for Digital Innovation Processes. In: Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). - Dubai, United Arab Emirates : 2021.

Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann: Digital Opportunities for Incumbents : A Resource-centric Perspective. In: The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30 (2021). - .

Emil Kleider, Thomas Kreuzer, Benedict Lösser, Anna Maria Oberländer, Torsten Eymann: Drivers and Barriers of the Digital Innovation Process : Case Study Insights from a German Public University. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). - Rome, Italy : 2021.

Sabrina Braadt, Anna Maria Oberländer, Peter Scherer, Bastian Stahl, Laura Marie-Luise Watkowski: A Two-sided Approach for Digital Innovation at SCHOTT : Combining Resource- and Problem-oriented Innovation Methods for Digital Service Development. In: Digitalization Cases 2. - Basel : Springer, 2021.


Michael Leyer, Anna Maria Oberländer, Paula Dootson, Marek Kowalkiewicz: Decision-making with artificial intelligence : Towards a novel conceptualization of patterns. In: Proceedings of the 23th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). - Dubai, United Arab Emirates : 2020.

Anna Maria Oberländer:Conceptualization of Digital Opportunities for Incumbents. - Bayreuth: 2020. - 46 S.
(Dissertation, 2020, Universität Bayreuth, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Sandra Baumbach, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann: Dynamic Capabilities for Opportunity Exploration : Insights from an Explorative Case Study. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 12 (2020). - S. 575-616.

Maximilian Blume, Anna Maria Oberländer, Michael Rosemann, Maximilian Röglinger, Katrin Wyrtki: Ex ante assessment of disruptive threats : Identifying relevant threats before one is disrupted. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 158 (2020). - .


Lukas Fabri, Björn Häckel, Anna Maria Oberländer, Jannick Töppel, Patrick Zanker: Economic Perspective on Algorithm Selection for Predictive Maintenance. In: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden : 2019.

Anna Maria Oberländer, Jochen Übelhör, Björn Häckel: IIoT-basierte Geschäftsmodellinnovation im Industrie-Kontext : Archetypen und praktische Einblicke. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 56 (2019). - S. 1113-1125.

Benedict Lösser, Anna Maria Oberländer, Daniel Rau: Taxonomy Research in Information Systems : A Systematic Assessment. In: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden : 2019.


Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann, Alexandra Kees: Conceptualizing Business-to-Thing Interactions : A Sociomaterial Perspective on the Internet of Things. In: European Journal of Information Systems, 27 (2018). - S. 486-502.


Sabiölla Hosseini, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Thomas Wolf: Rethinking Multichannel Management in a Digital World : A Decision Model for Service Providers. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). - Osnabrück, Germany : 2015.

Alexandra Kees, Anna Maria Oberländer, Maximilian Röglinger, Michael Rosemann: Understanding the Internet of Things : A Conceptualisation of Business-to- Thing (B2T) Interactions. In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Münster, Germany : 2015.


Faculty of Law and Economics
Information Systems and Digital Transformation

Prof. Dr. Anna Oberländer

Wittelsbacherring 10
D-95444 Bayreuth

Phone: +49(0)17683165095
E-mail: anna.oberlaender@uni-bayreuth.de

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