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Team > Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner

Marc-Fabian Koerner Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner
Marc-Fabian Koerner

Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management


Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bayreuth and the Branch Business and Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). Moreover, he is co-head of department at the Research Center Finance & Information Management (FIM). In addition, he is involved in teaching in the Finance & Information Management program in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich and in the Digital Leadership Academy.

In research, teaching and practice, Marc-Fabian is mainly engaged in two main areas of Information Systems (IS), namely Green IS as well as related topics of energy informatics and data spaces and digital identity management in enterprises and public institutions.

In the field of Green IS, Marc-Fabian is looking, among others, at how digital technologies can contribute to the decarbonization of the mobility sector, the energy industry, or manufacturing processes to contribute to the deep-decarbonization: in various research projects, he investigates how digital proofs of origin and of use of CO2 can enable companies to implement CO2-adaptive process management and at the same time create corresponding transparency for end consumers. Applying the wide range of IS research methods, Marc-Fabian also researches (market) strategies for balancing electricity supply and demand as well as corresponding operational decision support systems for enterprises.

To further develop the possibilities of digital data exchange for enterprises, Marc-Fabian, moreover, analyzes design options for data spaces that arise from digital technologies (e.g., AI, zero-knowledge proofs, etc.) and decentralized concepts (e.g., self-sovereign identities, blockchains). In detail, Marc-Fabian investigates the applicability and benefits of data spaces and digital identity management in a variety of application areas – from use in public administration to the use of machine identities in companies in the context of Industry 4.0 and the application in the course of decarbonization.

Marc-Fabian regularly publishes his research in renowned international scientific journals and at international conferences. Close foreign research collaborations exist, for example, with the University of Cambridge, the University of Luxembourg, the Norwegian School of Economics, or with the University College London. Marc-Fabian is also active as a reviewer for various journals and conferences. In addition, he is involved in various research and industry projects in the above research fields. Marc-Fabian integrates findings and insights from these projects directly into his teaching and research. With corresponding practice transfer studies, he contributes to making the latest research findings applicable in close collaboration with industry partners.

Since 2015, Marc-Fabian has been employed at the University of Bayreuth and at the Branch Business and Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT, most recently as research assistant as well as project manager, and since 2021 additionally as co-head of department. He received his doctorate (summa cum laude) from the University of Bayreuth with a dissertation on the role of information systems for increasing flexibility in electricity grids. Previously, he studied economics and business administration as well as philosophy as a minor at the Universities of Erfurt and Bayreuth as well as at EDHEC Business School (France).

Marc-Fabian Koerner

Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management



Marc-Fabian Körner, Felix Paetzold, Tobias Ströher, Jens Strüker: Digital Proofs of Origin for Sustainability : Assessing a Digital Identity-Based Approach in the Energy Sector. - Bayreuth, 2024. -

Anne Ixmeier, Marc-Fabian Körner, Johann Kranz, Jens Strüker: Designing Governance Mechanisms for Decentralized Data Ecosystems. - Veranstaltung: Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) Forum 2024, 04.-05.06.2024, Passau, Germany.

Anne Ixmeier, Philipp Staudt, Marie-Claude Boudreau, Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jyoti Mishra, Richard Watson: Green Is Everywhere And Nowhere Should Information Systems Scholarship Engage in Sustainability?. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Paphos, Cyprus : 2024.

Paula Heeß, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker, Lynne Valett, Linda Wolf, Benedikt Pulvermüller, Philipp Richard: Grundlagen und Bedeutung von Datenräumen für die Energiewirtschaft. - Berlin, Germany, 2024. -

Anne Michaelis, Lisa Hanny, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker, Martin Weibelzahl: Consumer-Centric Electricity Markets : Six Design Principles. In: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 191 (2024). - .

Matthias Babel, Marc-Fabian Körner, Tobias Ströher, Jens Strüker: Accelerating Decarbonization Digitally: Status Quo and Potentials of Greenhouse Gas Emission Tracking and Trading. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 469 (2024). - .

Marc-Fabian Körner, Lars Nolting, Matthias Babel, Marvin Ehaus, Paula Heeß, Jonathan Lautenschlager, Malin Radtke, Leo Schick, Jens Strüker, Stefanie Wiedemann, Till Zwede: A Digital Infrastructure for Integrating Decentralized Assets Into Redispatch : Decentralized redispatch (DEER): Interfaces for providing flexibility. - Bayreuth, 2024. - 20 S.

Paula Heeß, Jakob Rockstuhl, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Enhancing Trust in Global Supply Chains : Conceptualizing Digital Product Passports for a Low-Carbon Hydrogen Market. In: Electronic Markets, 34 (2024). - .

Marc-Fabian Körner, Tobias Kranz, Jakob Rockstuhl, Jens Strüker: From Bricks to Bytes : Verifiable Data for Decarbonizing the Building Sector. In: Energy Informatics, 7 (2024). - .

Anne Michaelis, Lars Böcking, Bastian Schäfermeier, André Baier, Niklas Kühl, Marc-Fabian Körner, Lars Nolting: Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Sector. - Bayreuth, 2024. -


Vincent Gramlich, Marc-Fabian Körner, Anne Michaelis, Jens Strüker: SSI in the Energy sector : A Study. - Germany, 2023. - 14 S.

Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Digital Data Ecosystems for the Verification of Corporate Carbon Emission Reporting. - Veranstaltung: Bayreuth Digital Science Conference, 10.02.2023, Bayreuth.

Franziska Müller, Christina Leinauer, Peter Hofmann, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Digital Decarbonization : Design Principles for an Enterprise-wide Emissions Data Architecture. In: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). - Maui, USA : 2023.

Marc-Fabian Körner, Anne Michaelis, Sophie Spazierer, Jens Strüker: Accelerating Sustainability in Companies : A Taxonomy of Information Systems for Corporate Carbon Risk Management. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). - Kirstiansand, Norway : 2023.

Marc-Fabian Körner, Marcus Schober, Tobias Ströher, Jens Strüker: Digital Carbon Accounting for Accelerating Decarbonization : Characteristics of IS-Enabled System Architectures. In: Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). - Panama City, Panama : 2023.

Endre Bjørndal, Mette Helene Bjørndal, Stefano Coniglio, Marc-Fabian Körner, Christina Leinauer, Martin Weibelzahl: Energy Storage Operation and Electricity Market Design: On the Market Power of Monopolistic Storage Operators. In: European Journal of Operational Research, 307 (2023). - S. 887-909.

Jakob Ahlrichs, Tobias Kranz, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: From Bricks to Bytes : Pioneering Emission Management Systems in the Building Sector. In: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). - Hyderabad, India : 2023.

Jason Dedrick, Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Smart grids and energy markets : Towards a real-time energy system. In: Vanessa A. Cooper, Johann J. Kranz, Saji K. Mathew, Richard T. Watson (Hrsg.): Research Handbook on Information Systems and the Environment. - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2023. - S. 295-314.

Matthias Babel, Vincent Gramlich, Claus Guthmann, Marcus Schober, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Vertrauen durch digitale Identifizierung : Über den Beitrag von SSI zur Integration von dezentralen Oracles in Informationssysteme. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 60 (2023). - S. 478-493.


Matthias Babel, Marc-Fabian Körner, Till Zwede: The Potential of Data Sharing for Accelerating Decarbonization : A Research Agenda for IS Scholars. - Veranstaltung: SIGGreen Pre-ICIS Workshop 2022, .

Anne Michaelis, Stephanie Halbrügge, Marc-Fabian Körner, Gilbert Fridgen, Martin Weibelzahl: Artificial Intelligence in Energy Demand Response : A Taxonomy of Input Data Requirements. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). - Nürnberg, Germany : 2022.

Matthias Babel, Vincent Gramlich, Marc-Fabian Körner, Johannes Sedlmeir, Jens Strüker, Till Zwede: Enabling End-To-End Digital Carbon Emission Tracing With Shielded NFTs. - Veranstaltung: 11th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, 15.-16. Sept. 2022, Freiburg im Breisgau.

Raphael J. Heffron, Marc-Fabian Körner, Theresia Sumarno, Jonathan Wagner, Martin Weibelzahl, Gilbert Fridgen: How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma : Assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition. In: Energy Economics, 107 (2022). - .

Lisa Hanny, Marc-Fabian Körner, Christina Leinauer, Anne Michaelis, Jens Strüker, Martin Weibelzahl, Jan Weissflog: How to trade electricity flexibility using artificial intelligence : An integrated algorithmic framework. In: Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). - Kauai, USA : 2022.

Lisa Hanny, Jonathan Wagner, Hans Ulrich Buhl, Raphael J. Heffron, Marc-Fabian Körner, Michael Schöpf, Martin Weibelzahl: On the Progress in Flexibility and Grid Charges in Light of the Energy Transition : The Case of Germany. In: Energy Policy, 165 (2022). - .

Marc-Fabian Körner, Johannes Sedlmeir, Martin Weibelzahl, Gilbert Fridgen, Moreen Heine, Christoph Neumann: Systemic Risks in Electricity Systems : A Perspective on the Potential of Digital Technologies. In: Energy Policy, 164 (2022). - .

Christina Leinauer, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jens Strüker: Toward Net 0: Digital CO₂ Proofs for the Sustainable Transformation of the European Economy. - Bayreuth, 2022. 77 S.


Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Vadim Rägo, Werner Steck, Alexander Stohr, Christian Wolfangel: Smart Retail Banking : Potentiale und Herausforderungen Künstlicher Intelligenz. - Augsburg, 2021.

Raphael J. Heffron, Marc-Fabian Körner, Theresia Sumarno, Jonathan Wagner, Martin Weibelzahl, Gilbert Fridgen: How Different Electricity Pricing Systems Affect the Energy Trilemma : Assessing Indonesia’s Electricity Market Transition. - Tokyo, 2021. -

Jens Strüker, Martin Weibelzahl, Marc-Fabian Körner, Axel Kießling, Ariette Franke-Sluijk, Mike Hermann: Decarbonisation through digitalisation : Proposals for Transforming the Energy Sector. - Bayreuth, 2021. - 19 S.

Jens Strüker, Martin Weibelzahl, Marc-Fabian Körner, Axel Kießling, Ariette Franke-Sluijk, Mike Hermann: Dekarbonisierung durch Digitalisierung : Thesen zur Transformation der Energiewirtschaft. - Bayreuth, 2021. -

Marc-Fabian Körner:The Digital and Sustainable Transformation of Electricity Systems : Understanding Information Systems Enabled Flexibility. - Bayreuth: 2021. - vii, 70 S.
(Dissertation, 2021, Universität Bayreuth, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Raphael J. Heffron, Stephanie Halbrügge, Marc-Fabian Körner, Nana A. Obeng-Darko, Theresia Sumarno, Jonathan Wagner, Martin Weibelzahl: Justice in Solar Energy Development. In: Solar Energy, 218 (2021). - S. 68-75.

Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Steffen Walters, Martin Weibelzahl: Not All Doom and Gloom : How Energy-Intensive and Temporally Flexible Data Center Applications May Actually Promote Renewable Energy Sources. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63 (2021). - S. 243-256.

Raphael J. Heffron, Marc-Fabian Körner, Michael Schöpf, Jonathan Wagner, Martin Weibelzahl: The Role of Flexibility in the Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond : Contributing to a Sustainable and Resilient Energy Future in Europe. In: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 140 (2021). - .


Gilbert Fridgen, Robert Keller, Marc-Fabian Körner, Michael Schöpf: A holistic view on sector coupling. In: Energy Policy, 147 (2020). - .

Raphael J. Heffron, Marc-Fabian Körner, Jonathan Wagner, Martin Weibelzahl, Gilbert Fridgen: Industrial demand-side flexibility : A key element of a just energy transition and industrial development. In: Applied Energy, 269 (2020). - .

Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner: Sektorenkopplung als ganzheitlicher Ansatz für das Energiesystem : Potentiale und Herausforderungen. In: Jörg Gundel, Knut Werner Lange (Hrsg.): 10 Jahre Energierecht im Wandel : Tagungsband der Zehnten Bayreuther Energierechtstage 2019. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2020. - S. 33-48.

Leon Haupt, Marc-Fabian Körner, Michael Schöpf, Paul Schott, Gilbert Fridgen: Strukturierte Analyse von Nachfrageflexibilität im Stromsystem und Ableitung eines generischen Geschäftsmodells für (stromintensive) Unternehmen. In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 44 (2020). - S. 141-160.


Hans Ulrich Buhl, Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Anne Michaelis, Vadim Rägo, Michael Schöpf, Paul Schott, Amelie Sitzmann, Joachim Bertsch, Thomas Sachs, Helena Schweter: Ausgangsbedingungen für die Vermarktung von Nachfrageflexibilität : Status-Quo-Analyse und Metastudie. 2 Fassung. - Bayreuth, 2019. 76 S.

Marc-Fabian Körner, Dennis Bauer, Robert Keller, Martin Rösch, Andreas Schlereth, Peter Simon, Thomas Bauernhansl, Gilbert Fridgen, Gunther Reinhart: Extending the Automation Pyramid for Industrial Demand Response. In: Proceedings of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). - Ljubljana, Slovenia : 2019.

Gilbert Fridgen, Marc-Fabian Körner, Johannes Sedlmeir, Martin Weibelzahl: (How) Can Blockchain Contribute to the Management of Systemic Risks in Global Supply Networks?. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). - Siegen, Germany : 2019.

Hans Ulrich Buhl, Gilbert Fridgen, Christa Dufter, Leon Haupt, Timo Kern, Marc-Fabian Körner, Eva-Maria Ländner, Serafin von Roon, Vadim Rägo, Michael Schöpf, Paul Schott, Amelie Sitzmann, Markus Thimmel, Martin Weibelzahl: Industrielle Energieflexibilität im Energiesystem. In: Alexander Sauer, Eberhard Abele, Hans Ulrich Buhl (Hrsg.): Energieflexibilität in der deutschen Industrie : Ergebnisse aus dem Kopernikus-Projekt - Synchronisierte und energieadaptive Produktionstechnik zur flexiblen Ausrichtung von Industrieprozessen auf eine fluktuierende Energieversorgung (SynErgie). - Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verlag, 2019. - S. 127-195.

Marc-Fabian Koerner

Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management

Dr. Marc-Fabian Körner
Postdoctoral Researcher

Wittelsbacherring 10
Room 3.05
DE-95444 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921 55 – 4753
E-mail: marc.koerner@fim-rc.de

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