- Sandra Böhner - Secretariat Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Oberländer, Prof. Dr. Jens StrükerHide
Sandra Böhner
Secretariat Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Oberländer, Prof. Dr. Jens StrükerMail:
Phone: +49 921 55-4740
Fax: +49 921 55-844740
Building: Wittelsbacherring 10, Room 3.01Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 9 to 12am - Heike Plötner-Ködderitzsch - Secretariat Prof. Dr. Niklas Kühl, Prof. Dr. Maximilian RöglingerHide
Heike Plötner-Ködderitzsch
Secretariat Prof. Dr. Niklas Kühl, Prof. Dr. Maximilian RöglingerMail:
Phone: +49 921 55-4710
Fax: +49 921 55-844710
Building: Wittelsbacherring 10, Room 3.01Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 9 to 12 am no appointments on wednesday - Maxime Schultze - Secretariat Prof. Dr. Torsten EymannHide
Maxime Schultze
Secretariat Prof. Dr. Torsten EymannMail: and
Phone: +49 921 55-7661
Fax: +49 921 55-7662
Building: Universitätsstraße 30, Building INF/AI, Room 1.19Consultation hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9 to 11 am
- Visiting AddressHide
Visiting Address
University of Bayreuth
Professor for [please select applicable]
- Business & Information Systems Engineering and Process Analytics (Prof. Koschmider)
- Information Systems and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Kühl)
- Information Systems and Digital Transformation (Prof. Oberländer)
- Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. Röglinger)
- Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management (Prof. Strüker)
Wittelsbacherring 10
DE - 95444 BayreuthYou can find a detailed route description here.
Link to map
- Information Systems and Digital Society (Prof. Eymann)
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Gebäude INF / AI Etage: 1.
Obergeschoss Büro: 1.08
Parken: Parkplatz P 3 (direkt gegenüber)
Telefon: +49 921 55-7661
E-Mail: wirtschaftsinformatik@uni-bayreuth.deYou can find a detailed route description here.
- Postal AddressHide
Postal Address
Universität Bayreuth
Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Professor for [please select applicable]
- Business & Information Systems Engineering and Process Analytics (Prof. Koschmider)
- Information Systems and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Kühl)
- Information Systems and Digital Transformation (Prof. Oberländer)
- Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. Röglinger)
- Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management (Prof. Strüker)
Wittelsbacherring 10
DE - 95440 Bayreuth
- Information Systems and Digital Society (Prof. Eymann)
Universitätsstraße 30
DE - 95447 Bayreuth